If you follow me on Instagram and/or my Fresh Tart Facebook page, you’ve seen me post a 1000 times about Healing Green Broth, the rather magical elixir that I (and a lot of you!) buzz up with greens, herbs, bone broth, healthy fat, lemon, and collagen into a warm, deeply nutritious, marvelously flavorful mug of zingy comfort.
I’ve shouted all over social media about how I personally use Healing Green Broth to quell cravings and take care of my skin from the inside out.
But I’ve also received the most wonderful notes from many of you about how you use Healing Green Broth to get over colds, re-energize on a crazy day, fuel-up after a workout, and/or recover from a hangover.
I’ve read them all and you’ve inspired me to create something fun...
...something we can do together to learn to make bone broth, boost energy, drop a few pounds, cook for ourselves, get glowing, and create a nourishing, daily ritual.
I’m calling it the Healing Green Broth 30-Day Challenge.
And it’s pretty much exactly what it sounds like: the challenge is to make and drink one mug of broth each day for 30 days. You can drink it for a meal, with a meal, for a snack, in the morning, afternoon, or evening. It doesn’t matter! Some people love it as a warm, savory breakfast. Others like to sip it after work when they’re starving and making dinner and would rather skip a glass of wine.
Totally up to you.
During the challenge, once/week for 4 weeks I will email you:
I’ll also add you to a private Healing Green Broth Facebook group where you can ask questions, share tips and pics, and get ideas for turning Healing Green Broth into healthy, flavor-packed meals.
If you’re interested, sign up below! Right away, I’ll share tips on getting ready for the challenge, then a few days later I’ll send recipes and you can start whenever you like. Please share with friends who might be interested too – it’s fun to do together.
Make sure to follow @healinggreenbroth on Instagram.
And I’ll see you in your email box SOON!
Healing Green Broth from a few of my Broth Bosses